In pursuit of happiness
Indians are not as happy as they were last year, according to this year’s UN World Happiness Report. The country figured among the lowest 20 at 140 out of the 156 nations ranked, dropping seven places from 133, last year. Clinical Psychologist Monica Sharma blames the modern and complex lifestyle that is leading people towards unhappiness. She also avers that the source of happiness has shifted from inner happiness to materialistic contentment, which is leading to fear of public opinion. “Individuals are busy from head to toe in their daily life so they have less involvement in social life. The increased level of competition and low ability to accept failure is leading an individual to live unhappy life,” insists the psychologist. She also suggests that one should take charge of own happiness than being dependent on someone else. “The main source of happiness is accepting what is out of your control. Accepting is not being passive but a wise act when it’s out of your control,” recommends Monica.